Here's a recipe involving Marchand de Vin sauce, along with Hollandaise (the other sauce you can get on your tournedos at Antoine's, as well as other restaurants). It's Chicken Rochambeau, which is a favorite entrée at Antoine's. This is a great dish to make around holiday time because it calls for roast chicken, and there's bound to be lots of roast chicken or turkey leftovers around many a New Orleans household at Christmas time.

Fry the ham and warm the chicken slices. As an alternative to roast chicken, you may grill a chicken breast pounded thin for each person.

Place the French bread toast on the plate, then the ham, then a generous amount of Marchand de Vin sauce, then the chicken, then top with the Bearnaise sauce. Garnish with parsley.

Serves 4.


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Chuck Taggart   (e-mail chuck)