Wes came across another old cocktail recipe recently, gave it a shake, and now he's quite fond of it. Since neither of us like vermouth, we usually reduce the amount the original recipe calls for by half (and at 1/2 ounce it gives the drink just enough tang without having a too-assertive vermouth flavor). Vermouth lovers may feel free to follow the original recipe. Also, don't be tempted to use Bourbon just because it's convenient. If you're going to drink the cocktails of the classic 1930s cocktail era, do them properly. Old Overholt is my rye of choice; Wild Turkey almost makes a fine rye that at 101 proof will give your cocktails an extra kick.

This drink was named after the Algonquin Hotel in New York City.

Same drill as usual ... shake, strain, chilled cocktail glass, cherry. Sip. Aaaah.


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Chuck Taggart   email chuck (at) gumbopages (dot) com